On July 28th when I published the Desmond Chin Leukaemia story I did so with no pre-conceived expectations of any sort except one—that I hoped the article would create a community of conscience among internet users across the globe for their support. Judging from the responses so far, I must say with heart felt gratitude that the efforts have been very encouraging. Comments that have poured in from international viewers, I maintain a list of people who have either donated and/or helped in reaching out to more people through links on their website/blogs.

The Brunei Times, in their third successive efforts to promote the Desmond Chin story, published an interview by Nurkhayrul Salam on August 4, 2007  as follows … also captured on

bruneitimes-desmond-jan3.jpg© The Brunei Times. Aug 4 2007. [click to read full article …]

The brighter memories forged. Leukaemia patient Desmond Chin and blogger Jan Shim pose for a studio portrait together as newfound friends. – The Brunei Times

On a lighter note, the name JAN SHIM seems to be fashionably misspelt by the media. In the photo courtesy note, it’s printed as JAM SHIM and in another press article by United Daily News from the March 2007 story it was printed on the left sidebar as JAN SIM. It’s all good and appreciated nonetheless—we know you care! Feel free to spread some of your JAM to give Desmond Chin a chance of a good life! ♥

bruneitimes-desmond-jan.jpg© The Brunei Times. Aug 4 2007

Brunei Times news article: Blogger Rallies Support

Here’s a link to a black and white version of the same photograph. I find Desmond’s high spirits very uplifting considering he’s survived two years of chemotherapy and is determined to fight all the way. Your donations and support will help him beat this!


Desmond Chin’s Condition and Donations Updates here

It appears there are rumours in some circles giving people the impression that Desmond Chin’s bank account at Baiduri is no longer accepting donations. This is not true. I confirmed this with Desmond last night (Aug 5, 2007).

The SHIMWORLD APPEAL that began on July 28 has so far been enlightening. This journey has shown me the length people would go to donate and what may deter them from doing so. Interesting to note, third-party bank fees is one of such deterrents that’s discouraging people from online transfers. I have no hesitation for HSBC account holders to deposit money into JAN SHIM PHOTOGRAPHY | 001-2195181-001. Anyone wishing to do so should email me and copy all correspondence to Desmond Chin. Another incident that falls somewhat into a gray area are people who are generous and the willingness to donate but refuses to walk into a bank no matter. Instead they walked up to me and handed me the cash. Well, I guess different people have different ways of showing they care.

Here are encouraging words from those who emailed me:

Hi Jan,

You have done a great job!  Not everyone has the energy / initiative  like you do. And may God bless for all that you have done for Desmond. Will pray for him.


Hi Jan,

Hope that your excellent effort will be fruitful. Please update us with Desmind’s health condition regularly. Let’s pray for his healing and speedy recovery.

Regards, ML

With the rapid increase of local blog readers, bloggers can play a large role in promoting charitable events and activities in the nation. SHIMWORLD has recently used its popularity in the blogosphere to help raise awareness and funds for Leukaemia patients. Professional Photographer and blogger Jan Shim’s courageous efforts in helping local 20 year-old Leukaemia patient Desmond Chin raise funds for treatment and surgery has made a huge difference in the patient’s road to recovery. His simple online plea to the public has reached well-wishers from all over the world, including the USA, UK, China, Singapore and Malaysia, and we at Simpur applaud his efforts, and wish both him and Desmond all the best in achieving their goals. One thing’s for sure, Jan’s certainly done the Bruneian blogging community proud. — Simpur Blogging Nation


  1. Desmond,

    I hope you rally enough funds for your medications. My prays are with you from Australia, Perth.

    I am a good friend of Jan’s and I am from Seria too in the same kampong.

    Take care,


  2. Ellen,

    Thank you very much for your contributions and efforts. You know what I’m going to say … it’s the thought that matters, old saying but infinite truth in things that matter more!


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