wulongtea828.jpgWULONG TEA 828 © Jan Shim Photography

Wu-Long, Oolong or Wulong in the case of this variation pictured above—has an amazing appeal for tea drinkers all over the world due to its natural health benefits and unique taste. Trsanslated literally, it means ‘black dragon’ tea. Like many who has lived life a bit, my fascination for tea began with that yellow box called LIPTON and I believe the regular jiggler bag varierty is also called red tea. Then over the years, another variety became super popular and its name Green Tea became a household name and every consummable item had a green tea variety in its lineup. Such is the phenomenon of tea that has grown mainstream that people are looking at more ways milking this cash cow called the tea drinking culture.

Wulong or Oolong as I prefer to spell it is also called black tea because of its inheret colour. The tea business is shrouded in so much secrecy that it’s easy to think these teas come from different plants or sources. But guess what? All tea comes from the same species of plant called Camellia Sinensis. It is the fermentation process that produces the many wonderfully different tasting and fragrant teas that we find on the shelves today.

Thanks to Mazlan & Leila who recently returned from China and brought us this wonderful WULONG TEA 828 now I finally have a chance of extending my palette for more exotic tea drinking. Wulong tea is linked to many health benefits such as the presence of polyphenol—a powerful natural antioxidant reported to reverse the effects of ageing and act as a defense by destroying free radicals (damaging forms of oxygen). Free radicals are responsible for cell damage that cause many ailments including visible signs of aging. Apparently, there’s also another benefit of polyphenol to effectively control obesity. It activates the enzyme responsible for dissolving triglycerides (an ester formed from glycerol and three fatty acid groups that constitute natural fats and oils). Continous intake of Wu-long tea contributes to enhancing the function of fat metabolism. In short and layman talk, this tea has slimming effect.  Now, isn’t that something to shout about?

wulong-leaves.jpgWULONG LEAVES © Jan Shim Photography

THE FIRST SIP having used to the taste of green tea for a very long time, Wulong tea carries a fragrant. It’s described to be a “delightful mix between green and black tea and generally has a darker, richer flavour than green tea bit a lighter flavour than black tea” according to an internet source. I like it. Notice the interesting packaging—it’s vacuum packed so tight that the second I sheared the top of, the package was so starved of air that the pressure differences created a sizzling noise as outside air rushed in.

Additional information:
In my previous post on RADIANTLIFE I talked about the shocking conditions of my red blood cells and the benefits of using this device on a daily basis. RadiantLife LT does not and cannot reduce my bad cholesterol nor can it replenish Vitamic C that I am short of. These require a change in life style and diet.

I wrote about Triglycerides in this article. I found an exerpt while researching cholesterol on the web. It appears long term consumption of Wu Long tea helps keep cholesterol levels in check!

Triglyceride is a form of fat made in the body. Elevated triglycerides can be due to overweight/obesity, physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, excess alcohol consumption and a diet very high in carbohydrates (60 percent of total calories or more). People with high triglycerides often have a high total cholesterol level, including a high LDL (bad) level and a low HDL (good) level. Many people with heart disease and/or diabetes also have high triglyceride levels.

Lastly, it’s reported that the best Oolong tea comes from Fujian, China. Package above reads … Lianping Fragrant GAOSHANWULONG Tea is chosen to use tea leaves made in Anxi, Fujian Province by special craft of precision work. I’ts the best in China and world famous in the characteristic  flavour of tea. Anyone interested in getting this, here’s a larger full shot of the package.

14 thoughts on “OOLONG TEA”

  1. @ Jenny,

    Yes, I have Long Jing green tea from Hangzhou and I think I recognise the place from your gallery.

    A lady on a mission to empty our wallets

    Dizzying array of clay tea pots to suit every taste and budget

    Photo gallery of China visit covering Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi and Hangzhou



    hope you can visit more china’s cities, and took more

    amazing photos:)

    oh, BTW, i love tea very much too,ha~


  3. Hihi~
    Hmm…I prefer to spell it as Oolong as well…Rather than Wulong. People have joked that if you drink a lot of Oolong Tea, you’ll turn out to be an Oo Long (blur/clueless dragon aka sotong). Nonsense! I’m perfectly fine!heh heh heh!

    Jan, your updated photo of the packaging looks better than the previously posted one. With tea leaves this time eh! Feels nostalgic.

    I bought myself Oolong Tie Guan Yin during my last trip to Quanzhou, Fujian. Tie Guan Yin is a kind of Oolong tea from Anxi. It’s rich and fragrant.

    One of my favourites, Pu’Er tea. Its in the black tea family. Strong and deep. 🙂

    Your post just reminded me to go back to drinking my teas. *slimming effect* has become a bait. haha!

    Thank You for the photos!

    cheers, janice @ singapore


  4. @Skye,

    I had a look at http://www.tealaden.com/teaweb/oolong.htm and noted that the variety called Milk Oolong to possess “a most unique character that is best described as sweet milk” and not necessarily milk of the dairy variety. Recent studies have found that the benefits of tea is negated when milk is introduced into the mix as is and has been a popular way of drinking tea often with fresh full cream milk.


  5. @ Janice

    People have joked that if you drink a lot of Oolong Tea, you’ll turn out to be an Oo Long (blur/clueless dragon aka sotong). Nonsense! I’m perfectly fine!heh heh heh!

    Blur and clueless may not necessarily be a bad thing. More often than not, knowing too much can be unnecessarily stressful and unproductive. I’ve found in many cases it’s better not to know so if drinking Oolong produces these effects [hopefully a temporary one], that may be a good thing when compared to the effects of consuming too much alcohol and completely losing yourself! That is not cool.


  6. Jan,

    Yeap! Wisdom in what you’ve shared.

    Sometimes, all I need, is a dosage of Oolong and all’s well. Ignorance is bliss. Hopefully, it doesn’t become my stumbling block too. 🙂

    To me…Chinese Tea is ever good. Thus, it is a beverage that will stay for life in my household. 😉


  7. oolong tea or wulong tea is great with some amazing results the best part is since its an acquired taste, it tastes better every time.


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